Starlight Blogger Award!

Thank you so much to 21 And Sensory and Ask A Teenage Aspie for nominating me for this award! These are two amazing bloggers and you should definitely go check out their blogs!

Here’s the rules:

  • Thank the giver and link their blog to your post. Thank you so much!
  • Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules. 
  • Answer the 3 questions given to you.

21 And Sensory’s Questions…

  1. What would you say has been the best day of your life so far? This is a really difficult question! The first thing that comes to mind is the day I met my boyfriend. It was just a perfect day. I’d met this amazing guy, had tons of fun singing and goofing off with him and his friends. The sun was setting perfectly and my favourite song was playing on the radio- it was like a movie! Another amazing day was when I got the email saying I’d been offered a scholarship to University. I knew I’d struggle to pay for University and I would have to work almost full time to support myself, but then I managed to get an Academic Excellence Scholarship and now I don’t have to work!
  2. If you had to describe yourself in 5 words what words would you choose? Optimistic, hopeful, intelligent, happy, and kind. 🙂
  3. If you were stuck on a desert island and were allowed only 3 items and one person with you what items and which person would you choose? I would take my glasses because without them I can’t see my hand in front of my face, so I’d probably fall into the sea or get eaten by a crocodile without them! I would then take one of my boyfriend’s dogs. Specifically, I’d take Fuzzy Bear the German Sheppard because he’s so fluffy and cute so it would help keep me happy and motivated, but when he grows up he could be used to hunt for food and I could ride him around the island 😛 I’d also take my blanket because it’s so warm and safe. The person I’d take would be my boyfriend because he knows how to survive outdoors, plus he’d be cool to talk to and he’d be a source of entertainment 😛

Ask A Teenage Aspie’s Questions…

  1. What song/songs do you listen to to inspire you when you feel down? My favourite one is This Song Saved My Life by Simple Plan. I’ve mentioned this a few times, but basically my boyfriend played it for me one day when I was very upset. He’s autistic so sometimes it’s difficult for him to know how to comfort me, but this song let me know how he felt and it was so sweet 🙂
  2. What importance does blogging hold for you? Blogging has become very important to me. In the real world I’m very quiet. I’m the sort of girl that is friends with everyone but I’m completely unremarkable, I have so many ideas and thoughts but I don’t speak very much and sometimes that makes me feel like I’m invisible. So, every like and follow and comment on this blog helps to remind me that I exist and that there are people who want to listen to me. So thank you.
  3. Where was the most amazing place you’ve ever been? The Natural History Museum in London. It’s beautiful.
  • Please pass the award on to 6 or more other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you. This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.  I know so many inspiring bloggers, so I wrote a list of all the people I found inspiring and my boyfriend picked 6.
  1. Asil And The Keyboard
  2. Trials And Tribulations of High School
  3. Rose Annon
  5. Swatii
  6. Lou M
  • Give your nominees 3 questions to answer.
  1. What’s your favourite post you’ve ever written and why?
  2. What is your favourite song and why?
  3. What’s your favourite animal and why?

Thank you so much for the nomination, and thank you for reading 🙂

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