Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Mon and Invoke Delight for nominating me for this award, please go check out their blogs because they’re fabulous 🙂

Here’s the rules

  • Thank the people/person who nominated you. Thank you so much!
  • Answer the questions from your nominators. 

Mon’s Questions

  1. What are your views about my blog? It sucks. Just kidding! It’s fabulous!
  2. Who do you consider your blogging twin? I think if I could chose to have anyone as my twin I’d have Sheetal, even though we live 5000 miles away and we look the complete opposite, I think it would be awesome to have her as a sister 🙂
  3. What is your favorite book? This is an impossible question!! I love so many books, one of my favourites is Wonder by R.J Palacio.
  4. What is a song that is inspirational to you? This Song Saved My Life. I’ve told this story a few times, but for my newer bloggers… One day I was very, very upset. I still had depression and had just self harmed very badly. My boyfriend walked into my room and found me and he played me this song. He’s autistic so it can be difficult for him to tell me how he feels, but he told me that I’m the reason he’s so happy now. This was the changing point in my life and from that point on I stopped self harming, and with his help, I started to love myself.
  5. Which blogger’s posts can you never miss? Sophie Speaks Up. One post can have me genuinely laughing out loud, another can have me nodding in agreement, and another can have me in tears. I love it!
  6. What is your favourite quote? “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”- Winnie The Pooh
  7. What is one way we can be a kinder person? I think we could listen to each other a bit more. I think we live in a world where everyone is just waiting until they can speak, without actually listening to what others are saying.
  8. One writing trick that you use? I find I write all my best posts with a cup of tea in my hand. Screw that actually, I write ALL my blog posts with a cup of tea in my hand 😛

Invoke Delight’s Questions

  1. Unicorn or dragon? Unicorn. How majestic would I look on a unicorn?! Plus, I think people underestimate how badass unicorns can be, so if people mess with me I could totally fight them with my awesome unicorn.
  2. Really? Yes. I thought very seriously about this.
  3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I’ve genuinely wanted to be a scientist for as long as I could remember. But alongside that dream I have wanted to be: a florist, an author, a journalist, and a lawyer. I don’t see any reason why I can’t be a scientist AND a florist!
  4. Marmite or Vegemite? What Hell on Earth is Vegimite? Marmite is bad enough, why on Earth did they make something called Vegemite?! This offends me on a personal level!
  5. Where would you like most to go on holiday, and what would you do when you got there? I would love to go to New York. It’s the complete opposite to where I live and it just seems so exciting and busy! I would just go shopping and explore 🙂
  6. If you could go to space (but never come back) would you do it? Oh my gosh. This is one of the hardest questions I’ve ever been asked! I think that if my boyfriend and certain family and friends went to space then yes I would. I’ve always been fascinated with space and the stars, and it is one of my biggest dreams to go to space.
  7. Where’s the most random place you’ve ever slept? Outside of an abandoned house in Scotland when I was 10. My family went camping in Scotland and we had no money whatsoever, but that was probably the most amazing holiday I’ve ever been on. I never realised we had no money and my parents made it into one big adventure, it was brilliant! We swum under a waterfall, and we found this really cool abandoned house and we pretended we were Ghostbusters. Then we pitched up a tent in the garden and we roasted marshmallows together 🙂
  8. If you could build a secret passageway in your current home, where would it go and how would it get there? I would have a passageway to an underground library where all my favourite books are, and there will be a big fireplace and a massive sofa and lots of pillows. And to get there I would open my favourite book, The Fault In Our Stars, and say “Okay” into it then it would reply with “Okay” and would open a door to my library.
  9. If you could be anything you wanted to be, what would you be? I’m quite happy being me 🙂
  10. There’s a fire in your house, you only have time to take one thing out, what would you take? My memory box. It’s got all my random junk that I’ve collected over the years like movie tickets and photos. It would be heartbreaking if I lost that.
  11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time (like, really, not the ‘fake answers’ people are coached into saying for interviews)? In five years time I’ll just be leaving University so I’ll probably be exhausted and scared as Hell. Hopefully my boyfriend and I will still be together and we’ll be considering moving in together. I hope I’ll be working at a hospital helping to diagnose diseases and saving the World!
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  1. Emiwee
  2. Call Me Elle
  3. Hannanarscrawls
  4. Helen Lizzy
  5. Drifting Lexi
  6. Mythical Stars
  7. Hananon Blog
  9. Says Kayla
  10. The Crazy Perfectionist
  11. Sophie D Wilson

And here’s my question for my nominees:

  1. If you could live your life again, would you change anything?
  2. What’s your biggest achievement?
  3. What’s your biggest fear?
  4. When was your last “first time”? (As in when was the last time you tried something new?)
  5. If your life was a movie/book, what would the title be?
  6. Do you have a secret talent?
  7. If you could know one fact/statistic about everyone you met, what would that fact/statistic be?
  8. What’s your favourite movie?
  9. What’s your favourite piece of clothing you own?
  10. If you could have a fictional character as a friend, who would you have?
  11. What was the last dream (or nightmare) you had about?

Thanks again for the nomination, and thank you for reading 🙂