Skype calls, 600 followers, and more good news!

Hey guys, this is just going to be a blog post where I talk about random stuff so enjoy!

Skype Calls

Yesterday I had a Skype call with the amazing Elm and it was brilliant! I was so nervous making making the call because as most of you know I’m not good with socialising, but I definitely don’t regret it! In fact, I enjoyed it so much I’d love to do it again. So, if any of you reading this would like to chat with me on Skype then you can just email me and we’ll set a call up. Just be warned I will be in my pyjamas, no makeup, messy hair, and probably holding a cup of tea! I’d also like to remind you that I am human! This was something Elm and I discussed, sometimes newer bloggers feel that bloggers with more followers are really scary. Please don’t ever feel like you can’t get in touch with me! You can email me at: or you can message me on twitter at: @everywordyousay.


I’ve reached 600 followers!! How insane is that?! I just want to give each and every one of you a giant hug! I just can’t even comprehend that 600+ individuals have liked my posts enough to want to read more. You are all incredible. I’m not really sure how to celebrate this, but if you guys have any ideas I’d love to hear them 🙂

More Good News

I had just come home from an incredibly bad night at work. I don’t want to go into detail, but lets just say that customers can be so awful sometimes. I quickly logged onto my emails to check if anyone needed some help, and there was an email from the one and only David Snape. If you don’t know who he is, he is a fantastic blogger who is also a radio presenter at Southwaves Radio Station. He wants to feature my post as his post of the week! Every Word You Say will be on the radio! My boyfriend has already built a pillow fort where we plan to eat Chinese takeaway, drink tea, and listen to his radio show  (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8pm-10pm) 🙂 I can’t wait!

Thank you for reading 🙂

Blind Love

A little while ago I saw a video on my Facebook page. Its an advertisement for Coca Cola where 6 strangers are put in a dark room, and they get to know each other without seeing what they look like. I think almost everyone reading this judges people on their looks, whether they mean to or not. I wanted to see what it would be like to get to know someone, but without judging them on their looks. Of course, I called my boyfriend in (you must get sick of hearing about him!) We sat opposite each other and closed our eyes, and I asked him to tell me about himself.

He told me about his passions for reading, and animals, and he told me about his struggles with autism and ADHD. He’s trying to write a book. He’s going to University this year to study Psychology. He has a wonderful girlfriend he loves. All of this I already knew, but it was strange, after he’d been talking for a while I started to form a picture in my head of this man. His deep voice made me think he was tall, and strong, perhaps muscly? His love of books and phycology made me think he was dorky, perhaps he looked like a University professor with glasses and a suit. The way he spoke about his girlfriend made me think he was older, he just sounded so mature and he sounded like he honestly thought she was one of the most beautiful and incredible people he has ever met.

Firstly, I now know how my boyfriend talks about me to strangers. And I love it. I think how you speak about someone when they’re not around says a lot about your relationship with them, so it was nice to hear how lovingly he spoke about me.

Then, while my eyes were still closed, he asked me if I would still date him. Honestly, yes. If Kyle had introduced himself to me like this, and I couldn’t see what he looked like, I’d still go on a date with him. His personality was amazing, and I think this made me realise how great a person he truly is. The way he seemed so excited about his passions, and he just seemed so positive about everything. I think I fell in love with him a little bit more that day because I realised that looks were nothing in our relationship. Someday we’ll both be old, and wrinkly, and now I know that even then we’ll still be in love because I’m with someone who is so great to talk to it won’t matter what we look like.

If anyone reading this would like to do this, I definitely say go for it! And if you do, please let me know so I can see how you found it. Thank you for reading.