Shopping Haul!

I feel like I’ve written about pretty much everything on this blog… so why not talk about fashion as well?! My boyfriend and I went shopping and spent way more money then we should have done! So here’s the result of 5 hours shopping.

*Disclaimer: I tried to take pictures of all the clothes but they were so wrinkly so I’ve got pictures off the internet of the stuff we bought. Sorry, but I have no time to iron stuff unless I have to!

My Stuff (every t-shirt cost £15 and were bought from the TV and Movie Store)

The Friendship Algorithm T-shirt – For those of you who don’t know, this comes from a TV show called The Big Bang Theory where the main character tries to make a friend by creating a math equation. This sounds so boring, but actually it’s so funny and I would definitely recommend! Anyway this t-shirt is so cool, but as my dad so carefully said “People are staring at your chest whilst trying to read your shirt”.

Game Of Thrones T-shirt – I have just started watching Game of Thrones and I’ve binged watched the first three seasons 🙂 So of course I had to celebrate my new love with a t-shirt! I have also just watched “The Red Wedding” and I am developing a strong hatred for the author of this book and the director. Everybody dies. Literally everyone!!

Adventure Time T-shirt- I’m so, so sorry. I’m an Adventure Time fan. Basically Adventure Time is a really weird cartoon and I just think it’s fabulous. Can you tell I’m a bit of a nerd yet? (Is it just me, or does this picture look so awkward. What’s he doing with his other hand?!)

My Boyfriend’s Stuff(Every T-shirt cost £15 from the TV and Movie Store and The Rock Collection)

Skeleton Riding A Devil Horse T-shirt – How awesome is this?!

Wolf T-shirt- He got really excited because we’d just watched Game of Thrones and he wants to be Jon Snow 😛 That is the only reason he bought this!


Dragon T-shirt – Can you see a theme here?! I’m pretty sure 99% of my boyfriend’s clothes are black!

Hobbit T-shirt – My boyfriend is obsessed with Lord of the Rings. But I’ve never actually watched it! I tried watching The Hobbit once but I fell asleep 20 minutes in- sorry Kyle!

Jeans (£9, Primark) and Marvel Socks (£4, Primark) – Whoever says Primark is trashy needs to eat these socks! Yep, my boyfriend is a nerd right down to the socks 😛


Game of Thrones T-shirt- The shop we went into had about 40 different Game of Thrones t-shirts. We were there for 15 minutes while my boyfriend picked up shirts, walked over to the mirror, then put it back. But he finally decided on this one and it’s pretty cool 🙂

Hydra T-shirt – Again, more superhero stuff. Oh gosh we must look like such dorks right now!

And that’s it! As you can probably tell my boyfriend and I pretty much dress the same, and it doesn’t help that we own the exact same t-shirts so we’ve  turned up to so many places wearing the exact same thing. Now I think about it we dress the same all the time! Do people think we’re twins?! Oh well, this just means I have two wardrobes to pick from 😛

Be honest with me, do I look extra-large to you?


XL T-shirt, Size 12 jeans


Because this t-shirt says I am. In this picture I am wearing size 12 jeans, and an XL T-shirt. I have two major issues with this:

  1. Women’s clothes sizes are not consistent! I can go into one shop and be a dress size 10, yet go into another shop and need an XL. How does that make sense?! I understand that some clothes will be slightly smaller or bigger due to fabrics and design but surely there cannot be that much difference! Yet my boyfriend can go into any shop around the UK and buy any Medium sized clothing and he’s fine. I found a website where you put in your measurements and it tells you what clothes size you are in a variety of shops. My sizes ranged from an 8-12. I then worked out what size I’d be in America and I’d be a size 6-10. So am I meant to try on each piece of clothing in 3 different sizes until I find the right one? This is why women spend so long buying clothes!!
  2. As a teenager I am so self-conscious of my body. A year ago I was wearing a size 16/18 and I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs. But then I started taking care of myself a bit more, I started running and stopped eating takeaways 4 nights a week and I lost 2 stone. I love my body now and I’m so proud of myself. I am now a healthy weight for my height and age, and I’m happy too 🙂 But it’s a massive blow when you walk into a shop as a healthy teenage girl, and then have to buy the biggest size they have. How can we encourage young girls to be happy and healthy when we say their healthy body is too big? I honestly felt so fat when I bought this, and I came home and sat down and cried. How pathetic is that? But it felt like I was back being size 18 when people used to stare and point and laugh. I worked so hard to eat better and move more so I could take care of myself and this knocked my confidence massively. No wonder so many teenagers have eating disorders, they have such an unrealistic view of what their body should look like and that’s not okay. I’m not calling for mass uproar but I am so angry that one of my favourite clothing companies (David And Goliath) would promote an unhealthy body image.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and if any of you reading this have had the same problem I’d love to hear that I’m not the only one! After this I’m also planning on writing a post about tips to get a healthy body, would anyone be interested in that or does anyone have any tips for me? Thank you! And even though I’ve just had a massive rant I love this T-shirt (and it glows in the dark!!)

International conversion rates- I’m typically UK size 12