I am so fucking angry!

Yes, I swore. Fuck fuck fuck. I apologise for any offense caused but I couldn’t care less. I made a promise not to write posts while I’m angry but I make an acceptation for this. You know that post I wrote about Kyle getting into University? Well I might as well fucking delete it because guess what… they made a mistake. There was a computer error. The letter was sent by accident.

We told all our family and friend’s, we even told our old teacher’s who were so proud of him, we smiled at all the lovely comments from you beautiful people, and we went out for a romantic dinner to celebrate. Then we get a phone call today saying they give their “sincerest apologies” at their “mistake”. This is not a fucking mistake! That’s someone’s life! Do they even realise what Kyle has to deal with on a daily basis?! Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD. And even if he didn’t have to overcome all this, this is still someone’s future, someone’s emotions, that they’ve royally screwed over. So, thank you. You have officially made my boyfriend, the strongest person I know, feel like he is worthless. And that’s not okay. This is not okay.

71 thoughts on “I am so fucking angry!

  1. Wow! That is horrible. I mean would they have not gave him the place because doing that to someone is low! Im really sorry I cant even imagine how he felt when they told him!


  2. Those stupid fucking twattish bastard fuckers moronic fuck them fuck them fuck them!!! WHAT?! WHAT!!!! WHAT THE FUCK! Who does that? Who just CRUSHES SOMEBODY’s DREAMS LIKE THAT?! Heartless, stupid, evil bitches. I hate them. I hate them so much. Which uni was that?! Those awful people.
    Okay. I’m so, so sorry. But you know what? Kyle, you’re not worthless. You never could be. I see how Amy talks about you, and it’s obvious that you’re worth the world to her. You’re an amazing person, and always remember that.

    Sorry for my language 😦


    • I just want to say a huge thank you for this comment, it was the first one that Kyle read and he got the biggest grin 🙂 Don’t apologise for the language, it made me smile that someone was just as angry as we are! It was Hertfordshire University 😦 Kyle’s now considering a year off because there are very few universities who have places left now 😦 Thanks again though, for helping make him smile, it means a lot 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so sorry to hear this! It’s ridiculous that this sort of “mistake” can be made when someone’s life and emotions are involved. I hope you and your boyfriend are okay! This does not determine his worth, I hope he can find some strength to overcome this ☺


    • Thank you, I know it’s awful of the University to do this. I’m still angry, but Kyle is handling it very well. I know he’s crushed but he’s now considering taking a gap year if he can’t get a place at University. Thanks for the support.


    • He’s doing okay, much better than I’d be if I were him. But I know he feels crushed and upset. I just hope he doesn’t go back to those years when he had severe depression, that’s one of the biggest things I’m worried about. But thanks for the support.


  4. I totally agree with you, that is not okay. They can’t just get someone’s hopes up and make them happy and then just drag them back down again. What happened is terrible and I hope you are okay xxx


  5. That’s really terrible. I can’t believe that a university would even make a mistake like that! My sympathies. 😦 I hope something can be worked out. 🙂


  6. Oh. gosh. Oh no. Hell, no. How can they do something like that? :/ This is just… noo!
    How’s Kyle doing? Please, he’s not worthless, make him realise that. Please. One stupid idiotic little ‘mistake’ can’t change who he is (which is an awesome person).
    This is so horrible! 😦


  7. Oh my goodness, THAT IS NOT OK. I’m feeling so angry right now, more angry than you could ever know. I have a friend with autism and dyslexia and ADHD too, so I can completely imagine how you and him must be feeling. People do not understand what that is like! That is not okay!!!! I don’t know what more to say, I really really just want him to know that he is so strong and worthy, definitely the better person than the people who have messed him about. I send my love to both of you. If I could do anything right now, I would. Em x


  8. I am so sorry for you both. Can he get through clearing? Also I would try to speak to someone higher up in the university and keep fighting it, go to the papers etc you might be able to get them to reverse this ridiculous decision. You could also get in touch with Megan Dunn the president of the NUS – http://www.nus.org.uk/ you don’t have to be members to be represented, as far as I’m aware, and this is a pretty serious issue. Someone might be able to do something and sort this out.

    I got told my student loan had been refused for my third year and that Student Finance clawed back my second year’s tuition fees, and they wouldn’t give a reason etc, and I had to really fight it and take it as far as I could to get let back in to complete my degree. That was a computer error as well – I’d originally mistakenly been enrolled on a BSc when I was actually doing a BA, and when some admin person “fixed” it I got classed as having dropped out after first year, despite having near-perfect attendance and being on track for a 2:1. I had to make a lot of phone calls while I was in the middle of nowhere doing fieldwork in a flooded muddy trench!

    You might not get anywhere (I say you meaning you both) but you might be able to get them to reverse it. Can he get his insurance offer or go through clearing? UCAS is another place that may be able to advise on this, I’d also ring their helpline, it should still be open. Sorry this was long I just thought something here might help. I hope it can get resolved somehow.


    • I think his parents are considering taking it to the newspapers, and they’re putting it on Social Media too. Thanks for the advice, I’ll pass this onto Kyle and his mum. He can’t be accepted into clearing because the University hasn’t actually denied his offer, they’re still making their decision. And because this University is his first choice, the insurance choice can’t take him until the first choice decline him 😦
      I’m sorry about your student loan! That sounds awful! I’m glad you managed to fix it in the end, it’s ridiculous that “mistakes” like these can be made. I hope it gets resolved too, and thank you so much for the support and advice.

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      • Thanks, mine happened a couple of years ago, so it did get resolved in the end but it was terrifying and very stressful. That’s absolutely shocking that his intended uni can’t even make a decision this late in the day; don’t they realize he might miss out on places at other universities???? What is wrong with these people? I hope he gets it all sorted, and it sounds like his parents are on the right track, the newspapers (national not local) can often have a lot of sway over these things. In spite of what people say about tabloid newspapers, an article in The Sun or The Daily Mail can go a very long way towards solving something like this because no university will want the bad press of doing this to someone with disabilities.

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  9. I am so sorry that this happened! It is a mistake that should not have and should never be made! Something like this happened to one of my friends a few years ago, on a smaller scale though, and I know how horrible she felt so I can’t imagine how heart broken he is when it is a matter of his future and education! I really hope that this just means that there is going to be another place, a better school, accepting him sometime soon! I don’t know him, but it sounds like he works really hard and for that alone he deserves the best! I really hope he gets into the school of his dreams after this happened! Just make sure he never gives up!


  10. I am so sorry to hear about this. That is so fucked up of them, I would go and literally fucking kill them if that happened to me. Bringing someone’s hopes up like that. That mistake could have been life changing and it’s completely and utterly heart breaking. I am literally so so sorry to hear about it, if I could help I would give everything in the world to. But sadly I can’t… All the love to both you and him. I hope he is okay xx


  11. That’s truly terrible. I really cannot even fathom the audacity of the University to take an opportunity at education away from someone who genuinely wants it. I know tons of kids in Uni who aren’t nearly as deserving or hardworking as Kyle, even though he’s diagnosed with Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD. I’m really sorry and I hope you and Kyle the best always.


  12. You have every right to swear because that is the most disgusting and horrible thing ever. How the hell do you send an email accidentally? To get everyone on such a high and then smash it down to a low is such a bad thing to do. I agree with you completely. This is not okay. Not okay at all. I really hope Kyle knows he is worth so much and he is smart, intelligent and kind no matter what the stupid universities say.


      • Wait so it wasn’t automatically sent, it was actually personally crafted?? How is that kind of mistake made?? And if Kyle is reading this… You’re awesome and stuff the university that did that because they don’t even deserve a wonderful guy like you! 🙂

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  13. Isn’t there some sort of complaint you can place or something? Telling someone they got accepted into university, and then telling them that it was all a mistake… that’s terrible. I wish Kyle the best of luck.

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  14. That’s just absurd?!
    And you have the right to be angry. They are a university so how the hell did they make such a stupid mistake?
    Kyle doesn’t deserve this, nobody deserves to have their hopes raised and have them crush it ):
    I wish him the best for his future xx

    Liked by 1 person

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